
Name: Bryant HUGGINS
Known as: Smug
From: USA
Nickname: SmugDa Beast
Team: Professional Instigators Entertainment
USF4 Rank: 46
Liste des matchs de Smug disponibles sur le site.
USF42015USAEVO 20151 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley0/2elenaVideoMatchup DU vs EL
USF42015USACommunity Effort Orlando 20151 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley1/3boxerVideoMatchup DU vs BX
USF42015USACommunity Effort Orlando 20151 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley3/1juriVideoMatchup DU vs JU
USF42015USACommunity Effort Orlando 20151 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley1/3yunVideoMatchup DU vs YU
USF42015USACommunity Effort Orlando 20151 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley2/0goukiVideoMatchup DU vs AK
USF42015USACommunity Effort Orlando 20151 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley2/1kenVideoMatchup DU vs KE
USF42015USACommunity Effort Orlando 20151 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley2/0blankaVideoMatchup DU vs BL
USF42015JapantopAnga League World 21 vs 1 Bracket topAnga League World 	2 [PIE] Smugdudley1/5roseVideoMatchup DU vs RO
USF42015JapantopAnga League World 21 vs 1 Bracket topAnga League World 	2 [PIE] Smugdudley5/3evilryuVideoMatchup DU vs EV
USF42015JapantopAnga League World 21 vs 1 Bracket topAnga League World 	2 [PIE] Smugdudley5/2sethVideoMatchup DU vs SE
USF42015JapantopAnga League World 21 vs 1 Bracket topAnga League World 	2 [PIE] Smugdudley4/5genVideoMatchup DU vs GE
USF42015JapantopAnga League World 21 vs 1 Bracket topAnga League World 	2 [PIE] Smugdudley5/4kenVideoMatchup DU vs KE
USF42015JapantopAnga League World 21 vs 1 Bracket topAnga League World 	2 [PIE] Smugdudley4/5elenaVideoMatchup DU vs EL
USF42015JapantopAnga League World 21 vs 1 Bracket topAnga League World 	2 [PIE] Smugdudley0/5evilryuVideoMatchup DU vs EV
USF42015JapantopAnga League World 21 vs 1 Bracket topAnga League World 	2 [PIE] Smugdudley2/5sagatVideoMatchup DU vs SG
USF42015USANorCal Regionals 20151 vs 1 Bracket NorCal Regionals 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley0/3elenaVideoMatchup DU vs EL
USF42015USANorCal Regionals 20151 vs 1 Bracket NorCal Regionals 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley0/3evilryuVideoMatchup DU vs EV
USF42015USANorCal Regionals 20151 vs 1 Bracket NorCal Regionals 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley2/1sethVideoMatchup DU vs SE
USF42015USANorCal Regionals 20151 vs 1 Bracket NorCal Regionals 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley2/0codyVideoMatchup DU vs CO
USF42015USANorCal Regionals 20151 vs 1 Bracket NorCal Regionals 2015 [PIE] Smugdudley2/0evilryuVideoMatchup DU vs EV
USF42015USAFinal Round XVIII1 vs 1 Bracket Final Round XVIII [PIE] Smugdudley1/2evilryuVideoMatchup DU vs EV
USF42015USAFinal Round XVIII1 vs 1 Bracket Final Round XVIII [PIE] Smugdudley/ryuMatchup DU vs RY
USF42015USAFinal Round XVIII1 vs 1 Bracket Final Round XVIII [PIE] Smugdudley1/2zangiefVideoMatchup DU vs ZA
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley2/5yunVideoMatchup DU vs YU
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley5/2yangVideoMatchup DU vs YA
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley1/5sagatVideoMatchup DU vs SG
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley3/0oniVideoMatchup DU vs ON
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley10/8guileVideoMatchup DU vs GU
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley3/2guileVideoMatchup DU vs GU
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley3/2guileVideoMatchup DU vs GU
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley0/3guileVideoMatchup DU vs GU
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley3/2decapreVideoMatchup DU vs DE
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley2/0decapreVideoMatchup DU vs DE
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley7/3chunliVideoMatchup DU vs CH
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley4/5goukiVideoMatchup DU vs AK
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley1/3decapreVideoMatchup DU vs DE
USF42015InternationalXBox Live replays 20151 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley7/4hugoVideoMatchup DU vs HU
USF42014USACapcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic1 vs 1 Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic [PIE] Smugdudley1/2zangiefVideoMatchup DU vs ZA
USF42014USACapcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic1 vs 1 Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic [PIE] Smugdudley0/2genVideoMatchup DU vs GE
USF42014USACapcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic1 vs 1 Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic [PIE] Smugdudley2/0guileVideoMatchup DU vs GU
USF42014USACapcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic1 vs 1 Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic [PIE] Smugdudley2/0abelVideoMatchup DU vs AB
USF42014USACapcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic1 vs 1 Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic [PIE] Smugdudley2/1elfuerteVideoMatchup DU vs FU
USF42014USACommunity Effort Orlando 20141 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2014 [PIE] Smugdudley0/2zangiefVideoMatchup DU vs ZA
USF42014USACommunity Effort Orlando 20141 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2014 [PIE] Smugdudley1/0sagatVideoMatchup DU vs SG
USF42014USACommunity Effort Orlando 20141 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2014 [PIE] Smugdudley1/2kenVideoMatchup DU vs KE
USF42014USACommunity Effort Orlando 20141 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2014 [PIE] Smugdudley2/0blankaVideoMatchup DU vs BL
USF42014USACommunity Effort Orlando 20141 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2014 [PIE] Smugdudley2/0guileVideoMatchup DU vs GU
USF42014InternationalXBox Live replays 20141 vs 1Smugdudley9/9poisonVideoMatchup DU vs PO
USF42014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1Smugdudley5/0sethVideoMatchup DU vs SE
USF42014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1Smugdudley1/5juriVideoMatchup DU vs JU
USF42014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1Smugdudley5/4elfuerteVideoMatchup DU vs FU
USF42014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley1/2clawVideoMatchup DU vs CL
USF42014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1Smugdudley3/0blankaVideoMatchup DU vs BL
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley1/2guileVideoMatchup DU vs GU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley2/0oniVideoMatchup DU vs ON
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley0/2hondaVideoMatchup DU vs HO
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley1/2guileVideoMatchup DU vs GU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley1/2boxerVideoMatchup DU vs BX
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[PIE] Smugdudley1/2adonVideoMatchup DU vs AD
SSF4AE20122014InternationalXBox Live replays 20141 vs 1Smugdudley2/1dhalsimVideoMatchup DU vs DH
SSF4AE20122014InternationalXBox Live replays 20141 vs 1Smugdudley5/4dhalsimVideoMatchup DU vs DH
SSF4AE20122014InternationalXBox Live replays 20141 vs 1Smugdudley2/1danVideoMatchup DU vs DA
SSF4AE20122013InternationalTournament/Match replays 20131 vs 1Smugdudley5/3boxerVideoMatchup DU vs BX
SSF4AE20122013InternationalXBox Live replays 20131 vs 1Smugdudley2/0deejayVideoMatchup DU vs DJ
Average rank = 21.4 ( Top32 )
USA Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 USF4Community Effort Orlando 20154 Top4 2015-06-28
USA Bracket NorCal Regionals 2015 USF4NorCal Regionals 20155 Top6 2015-04-05
Japan Bracket topAnga League World 	2 USF4topAnga League World 28 2015-04-12
USA Bracket Final Round XVIII USF4Final Round XVIII17 Top24 2015-03-22
USA Bracket EVO 2015 USF4EVO 201597 Top128 2015-07-19
USA Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic USF4Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic3 Top4 2014-10-12
USA Bracket The King of New York 1 SSF4AE2012The King of New York 13 Top4 2014-06-14
USA Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2014 USF4Community Effort Orlando 20147 Top8 2014-06-29
USA Bracket EVO 2014 USF4EVO 201449 Top64 2014-07-13