
Name: Sanford KELLY
Known as: Santhrax
From: USA
Nickname: Santhrax
Team: STC
Top Player: 40
USF4 Rank: 110
oni sagat gouki ryu viper cammy
Liste des matchs de Santhrax disponibles sur le site.
USF42015USAEVO 20151 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2015 Santhraxoni0/2ibukiVideoMatchup ON vs IB
USF42015USACommunity Effort Orlando 20151 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 [TSC] Santhraxsagat0/2goukiVideoMatchup SG vs AK
USF42015USACommunity Effort Orlando 20151 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 [TSC] Santhraxsagat0/2sagatVideoMatchup SG vs SG
USF42015USAFinal Round XVIII1 vs 1 Bracket Final Round XVIII [TSC] Santhraxoni/yunMatchup ON vs YU
USF42015USAFinal Round XVIII1 vs 1 Bracket Final Round XVIII [TSC] Santhraxoni1/2dhalsimVideoMatchup ON vs DH
USF42015USAFinal Round XVIII1 vs 1 Bracket Final Round XVIII [TSC] Santhraxoni/ryuMatchup ON vs RY
USF42015USASXSWG1 vs 1 Bracket SXSWG [TSC] Santhraxsagat2/1zangiefMatchup SG vs ZA
USF42015USASXSWG1 vs 1 Bracket SXSWG [TSC] Santhraxsagat1/2poisonVideoMatchup SG vs PO
USF42015USASXSWG1 vs 1 Bracket SXSWG [TSC] Santhraxoni0/2evilryuVideoMatchup ON vs EV
USF42015USASXSWG1 vs 1 Bracket SXSWG [TSC] Santhraxsagat2/0cammyMatchup SG vs CA
USF42015USASXSWG1 vs 1 Bracket SXSWG [TSC] Santhraxoni0/2goukiVideoMatchup ON vs AK
USF42015USASXSWG1 vs 1 Bracket SXSWG [TSC] Santhraxoni0/2kenVideoMatchup ON vs KE
USF42015USASXSWG1 vs 1 Bracket SXSWG [TSC] Santhraxsagat2/1cammyMatchup SG vs CA
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1Santhraxoni0/3dudleyVideoMatchup ON vs DU
USF42015InternationalTournament/Match replays 20151 vs 1Santhraxoni2/0decapreVideoMatchup ON vs DE
USF42014USACapcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic1 vs 1 Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic Santhraxsagat1/2zangiefVideoMatchup SG vs ZA
USF42014USACapcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic1 vs 1 Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic Santhraxoni0/2poisonVideoMatchup ON vs PO
USF42014USACapcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic1 vs 1 Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic Santhraxoni2/1elfuerteVideoMatchup ON vs FU
USF42014USACapcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic1 vs 1 Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic Santhraxsagat2/1zangiefVideoMatchup SG vs ZA
USF42014USAEVO 20141 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2014 Santhraxoni1/2feilongVideoMatchup ON vs FE
USF42014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1Santhraxoni10/3goukenVideoMatchup ON vs GO
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxsagat0/2rufusVideoMatchup SG vs RU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxoni3/2rufusVideoMatchup ON vs RU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxoni3/1rufusVideoMatchup ON vs RU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxoni3/0rufusVideoMatchup ON vs RU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxoni3/0rufusVideoMatchup ON vs RU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxoni2/1rufusVideoMatchup ON vs RU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxoni0/2rufusVideoMatchup ON vs RU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxoni3/2guileVideoMatchup ON vs GU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxoni2/0guileVideoMatchup ON vs GU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxoni0/2dudleyVideoMatchup ON vs DU
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1[EMP] Santhraxsagat2/1boxerVideoMatchup SG vs BX
SSF4AE20122014GermanyFight Night1 vs 1Santhraxsagat1/7goukiVideoMatchup SG vs AK
SSF4AE20122014GermanyFight Night1 vs 1Santhraxoni2/7goukiVideoMatchup ON vs AK
SSF4AE20122014InternationalTournament/Match replays 20141 vs 1Santhraxoni1/5adonVideoMatchup ON vs AD
SSF4AE20122013USAVideo x Games 20131 vs 1 Bracket Video x Games 2013 [EMP] Santhraxsagat0/2feilongVideoMatchup SG vs FE
SSF4AE20122013USAVideo x Games 20131 vs 1 Bracket Video x Games 2013 [EMP] Santhraxsagat1/2adonVideoMatchup SG vs AD
SSF4AE20122013USACommunity Effort Orlando 20131 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2013 [EMP] Santhraxsagat1/2feilongVideoMatchup SG vs FE
SSF4AE20122013USACommunity Effort Orlando 20131 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2013 [EMP] Santhraxsagat1/2kenVideoMatchup SG vs KE
SSF4AE20122013USACommunity Effort Orlando 20131 vs 1 Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2013 [EMP] Santhraxsagat2/0abelVideoMatchup SG vs AB
SSF4AE20122013USAFinal Round XVI1 vs 1 Bracket Final Round XVI [EMP] Santhraxryu0/2feilongVideoMatchup RY vs FE
SSF4AE20122013USAFinal Round XVI1 vs 1 Bracket Final Round XVI [EMP] Santhraxsagat1/2goukiVideoMatchup SG vs AK
SSF4AE20122013InternationalTournament/Match replays 20131 vs 1Santhraxsagat2/0zangiefVideoMatchup SG vs ZA
SSF4AE20122013InternationalTournament/Match replays 20131 vs 1Santhraxsagat4/4sagatVideoMatchup SG vs SG
SSF4AE20122013InternationalTournament/Match replays 20131 vs 1Santhraxsagat2/1rufusVideoMatchup SG vs RU
SSF4AE20122013InternationalTournament/Match replays 20131 vs 1Santhraxsagat0/2ibukiVideoMatchup SG vs IB
SSF4AE20122013InternationalTournament/Match replays 20131 vs 1Santhraxsagat3/1guileVideoMatchup SG vs GU
SSF4AE20122013InternationalTournament/Match replays 20131 vs 1Santhraxsagat1/2guileVideoMatchup SG vs GU
SSF4AE20122013InternationalTournament/Match replays 20131 vs 1Santhraxsagat0/2feilongVideoMatchup SG vs FE
SSF4AE2011USAEVO 20111 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2011 Santhraxsagat2/0yangVideoMatchup SG vs YA
SSF4AE2011USAEVO 20111 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2011 [EMP] Santhraxryu1/2yunMatchup RY vs YU
SSF4AE2011USAEVO 20111 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2011 [EMP] Santhrax/2yunMatchup  vs YU
SSF42010USAEVO 20101 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2010 [EMP] Santhraxviper0/2rufusVideoMatchup VI vs RU
SSF42010USAEVO 20101 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2010 [EMP] Santhraxviper2/0ryuVideoMatchup VI vs RY
SF42009USAEVO 20091 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2009 [EMP] Santhraxgouki0/2rufusVideoMatchup AK vs RU
SF42009USAEVO 20091 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2009 [EMP] Santhraxgouki2/1hondaVideoMatchup AK vs HO
SF42009USAEVO 20091 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2009 [EMP] Santhraxcammy2/0ryuVideoMatchup CA vs RY
SF42009USAEVO 20091 vs 1 Bracket EVO 2009 [EMP] Santhrax/abelMatchup  vs AB
Average rank = 94.4 ( Top192 )
USA Bracket SXSWG USF4SXSWG11 2015-03-15
USA Bracket Final Round XVIII USF4Final Round XVIII17 Top24 2015-03-22
USA Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2015 USF4Community Effort Orlando 201525 Top32 2015-06-28
USA Bracket EVO 2015 USF4EVO 20151025 2015-07-19
USA Bracket The King of New York 1 SSF4AE2012The King of New York 12 2014-06-14
USA Bracket Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic USF4Capcom Cup qualifier at The Fall Classic5 Top6 2014-10-12
USA Bracket EVO 2014 USF4EVO 201465 Top96 2014-07-13
USA Bracket Video x Games 2013 SSF4AE2012Video x Games 20139 Top12 2013-07-28
USA Bracket Community Effort Orlando 2013 SSF4AE2012Community Effort Orlando 20139 Top12 2013-06-30
USA Bracket Final Round XVI SSF4AE2012Final Round XVI13 Top16 2013-03-31
USA Bracket EVO 2011 SSF4AEEVO 201125 Top32 2011-07-29
USA Bracket EVO 2010 SSF4EVO 201017 Top24 2010-07-09
USA Bracket EVO 2009 SF4EVO 20094 Top4 2009-07-17