
Statistic value of Matchups, based on tournaments results.
The win rate are based on results of 426 matchs.
Charts build with highcharts.com
Sure80 <= Rounds
Reliable40 <= Rounds < 80
Trend10 <= Rounds < 40
Very Favorable MU / ++ MatchUp ++
zangief7.124.0 rounds
Favorable MU / + MatchUp +
yang6.520.0 rounds
poison6.517.0 rounds
hawk6.520.0 rounds
cammy6.411.0 rounds
evilryu5.632.0 rounds
juri5.522.0 rounds
dhalsim5.390.0 rounds
Even MU /= MatchUp =
claw5.010.0 rounds
sagat4.963.0 rounds
Unfavorable MU / - MatchUp -
chunli4.823.0 rounds
abel4.6104.0 rounds
dictator4.511.0 rounds
gouki4.455.0 rounds
ken4.418.0 rounds
dudley4.441.0 rounds
gouken4.330.0 rounds
cody4.314.0 rounds
ibuki4.323.0 rounds
rose4.226.0 rounds
boxer3.979.0 rounds
ryu3.928.0 rounds
yun3.928.0 rounds
decapre3.824.0 rounds
viper3.653.0 rounds
rufus3.633.0 rounds
hakan3.113.0 rounds
feilong3.113.0 rounds
Very Unfavorable MU / -- MatchUp --
gen2.711.0 rounds
adon2.711.0 rounds
honda2.313.0 rounds
seth2.119.0 rounds
rolento1.712.0 rounds
Not enough data
makoto9.0 rounds
elfuerte9.0 rounds
elena9.0 rounds
sakura8.0 rounds
guile8.0 rounds
oni8.0 rounds
guy6.0 rounds
deejay3.0 rounds
hugo3.0 rounds
No Data